近滿40年演藝生涯的杜德偉, announced on Thursday, February 22 two important announcements at a press conference on Thursday, February 22.
One is to come out on tour and make a stop at Taipei’s iconic Taipei Arena for a concert on May 18. The Taipei stop is to be part of his world tour “《GetUp》,” for which he now has a date. Also, he is to be awarded a special commemorative gold guitar after his 40 years in entertainment. However, the gold guitar will have to wait until a later date to be presented to him.
“It is scheduled, it is ready, and we are going to rock,” exclaimed the 60-year-old star in English and Mandarin to the audience.
Concert Details
- Date: May 18, 2024
- Venue: Taipei Arena
- Tickets on sale: March 4, 2024
- Ticket prices: NT$1,800, NT$2,200, NT$2,600, NT$3,000, NT$3,600
Related Event Cancellations
According to the press release, the two previously scheduled events for February– a show set to have been held in Beijing and the 24th Chinese Golden Melody Awards performance that was to be held in Macao–are both cancelled. Plans for the Chinese concert were put on hold after Mainland Chinese authorities warned him it might be difficult to obtain an extension of his artist visa there. As of this date, no word if a future date for a Mainland concert has been set.
原因 | 説明 |
免疫力低下 | 身體抵抗力不足,無法對抗口腔細菌或病毒感染 |
局部刺激 | 牙齒咬傷、假牙不適、進食過燙食物等因素導致口腔黏膜受損 |
壓力過大 | 情緒壓力會影響口腔黏膜血液循環,導致潰瘍 |
營養缺乏 | 維生素 B 羣、鐵、鋅等營養缺乏會影響口腔黏膜健康 |
抽煙 | 尼古丁和焦油會破壞口腔黏膜保護層 |
遺傳 | 部分患者有家族性口腔潰瘍史 |
藥物副作用 | 某些藥物,如阿斯匹靈、非類固醇消炎藥等可能會引起口腔潰瘍 |
荷爾蒙變化 | 女性月經前後、更年期等階段荷爾蒙變化可能會誘發口腔潰瘍 |
- 定期接受牙醫檢查,治療齲齒、牙周病等口腔問題。
- 使用軟毛牙刷,避免用力過度刷牙。
- 避免進食過燙、過硬或有刺激性的食物。
- 戒除抽煙。
- 均衡飲食,攝取充足的水果、蔬菜和全穀物。
- 適當運動,增強體質。
- 規律作息,避免過度勞累。
- 接種必要的疫苗,預防細菌或病毒感染。
- 適當紓解壓力,如運動、冥想或參與休閒活動。
- 尋求專業協助,必要時進行心理治療。